Summary of Heart of Darkness

 Joseph Conrad has introduced here the deep and dark forest of Congo. In this setting, people are also dark. There is not the slightest touch of civilization. The full primitiveness is there. Even the white people who have gone there to civilize that area have also become...

Women Figures in " The Waste Land "by T.S.Eliot

T.S Eliot is one of the most important poets of modern English poetry. His masterpiece The Waste Land, published in 1922 is one of the most important poems of modernist poetry. Through The Waste Land, Eliot has depicted the reality of the society. The poem has been structurally divided into five parts namely “The Burial of the Dead”, “A Game of Chess”,...

Short notes of the Characters of A midsummer Night's Dream

Characterization of A Midsummer Night’s Dream Puck Also known as Robin Goodfellow, Puck is Oberon’s jester, a mischievous fairy who delights in playing pranks on mortals. Though A Midsummer Night’s Dream divides its action between several groups of characters, Puck is the closest thing the play has to a protagonist. His enchanting, mischievous...

Themes of A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare

Love The dominant theme in A Midsummer Night's Dream is love, a subject to which Shakespeare returns constantly in his comedies. Shakespeare explores how people tend to fall in love with those who appear beautiful to them. People we think we love at one time in our lives can later seem not only unattractive but even repellent. For a time, this attraction...



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