Women Figures in " The Waste Land "by T.S.Eliot

T.S Eliot is one of the most important poets of modern English poetry. His masterpiece The Waste Land, published in 1922 is one of the most important poems of modernist poetry. Through The Waste Land, Eliot has depicted the reality of the society. The poem has been structurally divided into five parts namely “The Burial of the Dead”, “A Game of Chess”, “The Fire Sermon”, “Death by Water” and “What the Thunder Said”. Apart from the fourth part, “Death by Water”, Eliot has used the women as the dominant image throughout the poem.

The poem is introduced through a quotation alluded from the Satyrican of Petronius written in a Latin language. The introduction tells a story of Appollo who is mythological figure that gave a woman an immortal life .She didn’t ask for youth, so she wasn’t given eternal youth. She lived and became very old, weak and fearful creature. When the old woman was asked about her wish, she said (I wish to die) Eliot opens his poem by this story to show that the modern man is living a death –in-life like this woman.

The second woman is Madam Sosostris; she is a fortune teller and an image that he borrows from the classical works. In the past people believe in superstitions details and they used to visit this woman to prophesy but for good reasons since they thought it would help them know how to get water from the Nile River to irrigate their land. In modern life she is speaking about death by water and not as a source of life.

Belladonna, which means "beautiful lady", refers in this case to the Virgin Mary.  In other words, Eliot associates the image of a beautiful woman with the spiritual beauty of Christ's Mother. There was a painting of virgin Marry drown by Leonardo da Vinci a very famous Italian painter and she is a symbol of purity and sublime qualities of the woman of the past that are not in the women of the present.

The game of Chess is an allusion to a significant work of art, drama written by Thomas Middleton who is a dramatist of the early 17th century. The game of Chess is known with another significant title which is Women Beware Women as Eliot states has a scene where a mother in law is distracted by a game of chess while her daughter-in-law is being raped in the other room.

Two figures of women Dido and Cleopatra are suggested here as a juxtaposition to the modern situation reminding people of the kind of women who were in love and who would kill themselves for the sake of their lovers

Philomel is another women figure in the classical work of Ovid. The reason he chose her because in the mythological story is raped by a powerful barbarous king Tereus and he was her sister's husband, then Procne transferred her into a nightingale. The myth says that the voice of the nightingale was always heard by the people; so they learned a lesson that this should not happen and this evil wrong thing that happened to her should not happen and they learn a lesson from the experience she went through.

Eliot is drawing a picture of all women, of their suffering, how they feel although they have luxury and all the background you have seen before but they feel lonely.  and isolated and the loneliness they feel is disturbing, the woman he described wants the company she is afraid from being alone, she needs someone. Bad is repeated to emphasize that she really feels bad about the situation. It suggests that even the word thinking a meaningless word and this is a link with the earlier suggestion that modern man can’t say anything because he knows nothing but a broken image; they are saying nothing because they know nothing.

Ophelia, a character alluded from Shakespeare's Hamlet. He makes a comparison between Ophelia who gone mad from the shock when she knew that her lover has killed her father, with the modern woman who doesn’t react under any conditions. Ophelia represents a sensitive woman who stands in a great contrast with the rich woman and Lil who are insensitive and cold in their relations with their husbands.

In conclusion, Eliot draws all these kinds of women figures from the past in comparison to situations that is happening in the present time. That the modern men need to wake up and beware of his surroundings.


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